FAQs in Bangladesh
If you are a foreigner travelling in Bangladesh, please be ready to answer the following questions:
- Which country?
- Are you married?
- What is your religion?
Third question was the most ubiquitous in Bangladesh. I did not experience this in Nepal. But in Kenya, it was a different story.
In Chittagong, near Sitakund, I met with a group of 8 to 12-year-old children playing cricket in the back alleys.
From a distance a kid hollered, “Which country?”
The kids stopped playing cricket and approached me to ask a more important question, “Which religion?”
“Humanity,” I replied with a smile.
“No, I am not asking about how you look. I am asking what religion you follow,” blurted a kid in the group.
“I don’t have any religion,” I reassured them.
“One always has a religion”
“See, you are wrong. I don’t have one and I am alive, so far”
“You are lying!”
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